Pesta Sematan


Pesta Sematan

This is a community-based event on traditional sports, food and arts, held at this seaside bazaar of Sematan. A fine tradition of the area is the ‘Gendang Melayu’- drum orchestra that is accompanied by lyrics sung on the go and the ‘joget’ (dance).  There will be performances by the Sambas Cultural troupe to reflect the close proximity of Sematan to Kalimantan Indonesia.

Sematan is about an hour and a half (120 km) drive from Kuching. Well-known for its long stretch of secluded beaches, Sematan is the most western town of Sarawak. It is the gateway to Tanjung Datu National Park as well as the homestay experience of Telok Melano village and Kampung Pueh longhouse. The former depicts the Sarawak Malay culture and the latter, the Bidayuh Selako culture.

Please click here for Pesta Sematan 2019 calendar